Treasure Trove

Here you will find almost exclusively individual second-hand items from collection liquidations as well as new items from cancelled special orders from customers that have not been accepted. We have sorted the offers in the treasure trove - many of them at attractive special prices - by category as in the regular shop in order to minimise your search.
If you cannot find a particular category from time to time, there are currently no topical offers.

In addition to kits from the manufacturers' current delivery programme, the kits are mainly rarities from the 1960s to the present day, including from manufacturers and brands that have long since ceased to exist.
In the decals category you will find names that are primarily only familiar to the “old hands”. After all, there are also brands here from manufacturers who have filled many a gap in decal variants, but unfortunately only enriched the market for a relatively short time.
There is no getting around supporting specialist literature in model making. Although the Internet offers an inexhaustible source of information, conventional printed publications still have their place, as the constant increase in new publications proves.
The paints category contains many a rarity from the colour palettes of manufacturers from the 1990s, which still have their right to exist today despite the constant innovations of the latest pioneers.
Figures and modelling accessories can also be found in the treasure trove. Here, too, you will read names that may be new to you.
Not to be left unmentioned are detail and conversion sets, which make up a large percentage of the total scope of a model. Over the decades, the pioneers, such as Verlinden, have been joined by countless small and large manufacturers, whereby coming and going is part of the normal fluctuation.

The following applies to all items: supply only while stocks last. Description of items condition on visual aspects only without knowledge of damages as well as incomplete respectively defective contents.
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