Products description
- 00-3001 “Jenny”, 00-3002 “Devils Darlin”, 00-3003 “Gears of War”, 00-3004 “Bullseye”, 01-2000 “Valkyrie”, 91-0311 “Lady Liberty”, 91-1313 “Texas Ranger”, 91-1314 “Chief”, 91-1324 “White Walrus”, 91-1326 “Ravage”, 91-1329 “Deadpool”, 91-1335 “Megalodon”, 96-0201 “Firebird”, 96-0204 “2-Oh-40-oz”, 91-1602 “A-Bombinator”;
- all jets with nose art, 494th EFS “Panthers”/48th FW, USAFE Lakenheath; deployed to an undisclosed location in the Middle East, October 2018;
complete markings for two jets
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Two Bobs Aviation Graphics
622 Northwood Trail
South Lake, Tarrant, TX 76092
United States
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AERO SPEZIAL Modellbauversand
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